
SNM451 Connected Site Gateway

The rugged SNM451 will give you all the location, run time and utilisation information you need to allocate and remotely monitor the productivity of your light assets, site trucks and haul vehicles at an affordable price point.

Features and Benefits

The rugged and affordable SNM451 Connected Site Gateway communicates location, utilisation, cycle times, and productivity of site assets such as smaller machines, site vehicles and haul trucks.

Project owners, fleet managers and equipment rental companies can now get the critical information they need to more effectively allocate resources and improve the productivity of their mixed fleet.


The SNM451 offers flexible options to suit your asset reporting requirements. Start with basic location and utilisation reporting, and add data on cycle times and load counts.

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Paving Control for Milling Machines

Mill out the waves. Controlling the precise cutting depth of the mill minimises over-cutting, creates a smoother surface and reduces the need for additional material in the re-paving process.

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